

JOG.3681 ~~~~ JOG.????


OLD WORD BCE ~~~~ tanakh blue jewish publication society © 1985

NEW WORD CE ~~~~ revised standard version bible zondervan etal © 1946 etal { EXCLUDING THE TEACHINGS OF SPAUL { SUALXPAUL ~~~~~~ SPITTLE ~~~~~~ SPRITZING ~~~~~~ A NEW CREATIONX MARK 13.6 

WITH TWis Italics { THE WORD in spirit ~~~~ a _BIGWOR_ work in progress } INTERPRETATIONS X JOHN 4.23 & 4.24

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TOG 8 X TOG 16 X TOG 17

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A&Q ][ Q&A:

  1. ~~~~~~~~ ABRAM’S {ISRAEL FOOTNOTE {a}} ~~~~~~~~
  2. ~~~~~~~~ PROLOGUE ~~~~~~~~
  3. ~~~~~~~~ When they arrived in the land of canaan ~~~~ ABRAM passed through the land as far as the site of shechem ~~~~ at the terebinth of morah ~~~~ the canaanites were then in the land !!!!6 GENESIS 12.6 tanakh TWisED ~~~~~~~~
  4. ~~~~ Scholars say that the terebinth tree of Moreh is an oak tree. Others say it is pistacia palaestina which grows prolifically in the region and can grow quite large and in groves.” ~~~~
  5. ~~~~~~~~ WHAT DO we REALLY KNOW FROM ANCIENT OF DAYS ???? ~~~~~~~~