
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Do not covet what others have and take it and use it for yourself !!

A story and an allegory of King David !!

“And THE ARK of the LORD remained in the house of O’bed-e’dom the Gittite three months; and the LORD blessed O’bed-e’dom and all his household.” II Samuel 6.11.

Please read all of Chapter 6 before continuing with this contemplation


1. One must not covet what another has in GOD and try to take it and make it your own !!

2. Look at JOG.228 it relates to David and an example of what happened when the Philistines coveted the ARK OF GOD, but would not give up their god.

3. Only “three months” was the ARK OF GOD in place with O’bed-e’dom, and O’bed-e’dom was blessed to the point that SOMETHING SPECIAL was present with O’bed-e’dom !_!!!!!!!

4. David was known to have a covetous streak in him.

5. Did David really seek the ARK OF GOD for the people or for himself ??

6. David wanted this SOMETHING SPECIAL for himself, though three months before he feared IT, and placed IT with O’bed-e’dom !!!

7. Was it because of this nature of covetousness that GOD did not let David build the FIRST & ONLY TEMPLE OF THE LORD in Jerusalem ??

8. David also coveted a man’s wife, took her, bred her, and then had her First Husband murdered !!!!!!

9. GOD took the child from David and his new breeding stock !!

10. Do not look upon this as GOD doing evil, but protecting the spirit of the child from future evil.

11. David repented and GOD forgave him and his new wife and BLESSED them with another child: Solomon !!

12. But David’s kingdom would come to an end in 931 BC after the death of Solomon as Israel fell apart over the covetousness for the Throne of Israel.

13. Remember there is only ONE TRUE KING and that IS GOD !!!!!!!

14. Today religions display great wealth and they claim it is because of GOD !!!!!!

15. Do not become envious and want what religions of men have today !!!!!!

16. For they really have nothing !!!!!!

17. All that they have, they have taken from others, they have added nothing of value themselves.

18. Do not covet wealth and power of others for yourself, that is what leads to destruction, but not always in your time: C-12 above.