
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

This verse links to JOG.247 in putting something between you and GOD !_!!!!!!_!!!!!!!

The three evil religions of men, judaism-christianity-islam, will seek to kill all those they believe are sinners and evil !!!_!!!!!!

“So Saul took three thousand picked men from all Israel and went in search of David and his men in the direction of the rocks of the wild goats.” I Samuel 24.2.

We will work this verse backwards for understanding because what lies at the end came long before, so to connect in complete understanding one must work from the Beginning to the End through ALPHA 7 OMERGA !!!!!!!_!_!!!!!!!


1. “rocks of the wild goats”: the wilderness where the “wild goats” live !!! That was an easy statement, anybody can make that one !

2. “wild goats”: the wild sin goats of Aza’zel for their lot is not with the LORD. Not so easy of a statement to make, but the LORD will show you where it is made from Leviticus 16.5-10. See also Leviticus 10.1-2 for the sin and RESPONSE !!

3. The wild goats are part of the RE-ATONEMENT of the TABERNACLE after a great sin by two sons of Aaron.

4. David has been chosen and has killed Goliath, and Saul’s hatred for David rages.

5. David flees Saul.

6. And we come to our verse.

7. Are you with GOD or one of the three evil religions that seek to kill the children of GOD ?_??????? or ?_??????

8. Allegorically the 3,000 men are three congregations of men that claim to own THE WAY TO GOD !!!

9. These three congregations of men seek to kill all those they see as sinners !!!

10. Who they see as sinners are not who GOD SEES AS SINNERS !!!!!!!

11. They see as sinners the child of GOD who will not let them stand before-between-beside the child & GOD !!!

12. GOD SEES AS SINNERS any one child who places any one or any thing before-between-beside themselves & GOD committing the ONE UNFORGIVALBE SIN !!!!!!!

13. The 8TH DEADLY SIN of man that they don’t talk about, which is actually the FIRST & ONLY DEADLY SIN !!!!!!!