
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.


PUT your MIND to this; take COUSNEL and decide !_!!!!!!!_!

“And his father-in-law, the girl’s father, made him stay, and he remained with him three days; so they ate and drank, and lodged there. ” Judges 19.4.

For these Contemplations you will need to read all of Chapter 19.


1. It is an ALLEGORY of a man of GOD, a servant of GOD, and GOD !_!!!!!!!

2. It is the ALLEGORY of judas, IMMANUEL, and GOD !_!!!!!!!_!!!!!!!

3. It is the ALLEGORY of judas, a priest of GOD, giving the LAMB OF GOD to be sacrificed, for GOD’S children for THE HOLY PASSOVER !_!!!!!!

4. It is the ALLEGORY of KILLING of CHRIST by the evil men of judaism.

5. It is the ALLEGORY what is to come when the children of GOD learn the evil that resides in the three evil religions of men, judaism-christianity-islam.

6. Put your MIND to this; take COUNSEL with GOD and decide !_!!!!!!!_!

7. Are you with GOD or the evil men of religion !>!!!!!!! or >!!!!!!