
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Evil will seek to serve you up to their gods !!!!!!

This verse threads the allegories starting with JOG.237.

“And she said to him, “How can you say, `I love you,’ when your heart is not with me? You have mocked me these three times, and you have not told me wherein your great strength lies.” Judges 16.15.


1. Do religions of men not ask you to commit your love to them ?????

2. Do the religions of men have a heart ?????

3. Do the religions of men not mock GOD ?????

4. Are there not three religions of men today, judaism-christianity-islam, that mock GOD, as in make themselves a god before-between-beside GOD and HIS children ???

5. “You shall have no other gods before-between-beside ME !!!!!!!” Exodus 20.3.

6. Where does your strength lie: in religions as in a lie, not the truth !!!!!

7. Or in GOD as in lie, placed for safe keeping ??????_???????

8. Did salacious satan not lie to eve 7 adam in the Garden ???

9. If religions lie, and satan lies, then where is the only place for the WHOLLY HOLY ABSOLUTE TURTH on earth !!!!!!!

10. IT LIES WITH GOD in life for LIFE !!!!!!!

11. Will you test and examine your ways ??????

12. Will you lift up your heart with your hands to GOD IN HEAVEN ??????

13. GOD IS WAITIGN TO WRITE your name in HIS BOOK OF LIFE !!!!!!! Revelation 20.11-15.