
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Allegorically: not investing for oneself with GOD’S HELP & GUIDANCE, and then believing and mixing with those who do not follow GOD one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT ????

“At the end of three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were their neighbors, and that they dwelt among them.” Joshua 9.16.

Read all of Chapter 9, it is a short chapter.


1. This verse connects directly with JOG.228.

2. When it comes to knowing GOD can you trust your neighbors ????

3. BIGWOR is all about seeking GOD for yourself and not believing in what BIGWOR shares, test it _ test them _ test them _ test them _ test them, which fulfills GOD’S GIFT OFFREE WILL” !!!!!!!

4. “And the WORD of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, when a land sins against ME by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out MY HAND against it, and break its staff of bread and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and beast, even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness, says the LORD GOD.’ “ Ezekiel 14.12 – 14.

5. GOD had COMMANDED the Israelites to wipe out all those who occupied the Promise Land so that they could be pure without foreigners !!!!!!! This is ONE of the many CONDITIONS OF GOD that the Israelites of Ancient Of Days failed !!!!!!!

6. II Chronicles 36.16.

7. Who on earth will not lie to protect his own skin: his life ????

8. Those who WHOLLY HOLY ABSOLUTELY TRULY believe in GOD one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT !!!!!!!_!_!!!!!!!

9. If you mingle with those who don’t believe as you believe they will sow seeds of evil and discourse among you and seek to subvert your cause !!!!!!!

10. Study the failings of the Israelites to do as GOD HAD COMMANDED them relative to removing the manmade god worshippers from the Promised Land, and you will learn that this resulted in them mingling with the manmade god worshipers in breeding and beliefs !!!!

11. The result was expressed in the circumcision of GOD’S once chosen people from HIM: II Chronicles 36.16 !!!!!!!

12. Do you understand yet that everything with GOD IS CONDITIONAL ???????

13. Today, doesn’t the majority want and believe that mingling the gods of men together will result in the most desired outcome: Peace ????

14. Will you remain in the conditions of manmade religions and mingle together believing you will have peace in the valley of salacious satan ?????? Revelation 16.12-16.

15. Or will you now seek the W>H>A>T CONDITIONS OF GOD ???????

16. “What is W>H>A>T ????”, you ask: WHOLLY>HOLY>ABSOLUTE>TRUTH that can come only from GOD LEADING & TEACHING IT to you !!!!!!!

17. For me, I will trust in THE LORD GOD of Abram !!!!!!!_!!

18. Today, I as of ancient of days, use common courtesy with my neighbors, Exodus 23.4-5.

19. But I do not seek to go into their home, there temple, to mingle with their gods !_!!!!!!

20. Jeremiah 7.4;

21. Revelation 16.13;

22. Matthew 7.21-23;

23. Ezekiel 14.12 – 14;

24. Exodus 20.3;

25. Revelation 22.13 !!!!!!!

26. Do you understand NEW & OLD ] [ OLD & NEW ????

27. Reflect with GOD IN GOD !!!!!!! 1+1&7=27