
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

GOD WILL PROTECT your MIND & SOUL from all those who pursue you, !!!!!!!_!_!!!!!!!

“And she said to them, “Go into the hills, lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves there three days, until the pursuers have returned; then afterward you may go your way.” Joshua 2.16.


1. The First Pursuer of man, male & female, was salacious satan in the Garden: Genesis 2.24-25 & 3.1-7.

2. Allegorically the pursuers on man today are the three religions of salacious satan, judaism-christianity-islam !!!

3. The participation of man with salacious satan in the Garden becomes the ONE SIN AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF GOD: THE FIRST & LAST SIN OF LIFE !!!!!!! Appendix “d” pages 523 – 526 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!!

4. THIS SIN OF PARTICIPATION also applies to participation with religions of men, judaism-christianity-islam et al, and their father salacious satan: Revelation Chapter 13: A chapter about three evils that are numbered 666 & 616. Appendix “c” pages 515-522 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!!

5. Contemplate Contemplation 3 & 4 further with Matthew 12.32 & then 7.21-23 !!!!!!!

6. Hide from these three foul spirits, judaism-christianity-islam, Revelation 16.12-15, in GOD one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT !!!!!!!

7. They may take your flesh, your heart, but GOD WILL TAKE you HOME to be WITH HIM IN HEAVEN if you have been with HIM IN SPIRIT, MIND, HEART, SOUL !!!!!!! Revelation 21.22 & 23.