
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

The next verse of groups of threes that we will look at comes after Revelation 13.18 and it has two groups of threes.

“And I saw, issuing from the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three foul spirits like frogs;” Revelation 16.13. It is for the time of gathering for Armageddon, not the end but a time before the end. Revelation 16.12:


1. Is it interesting to note that the first of the two groups of three is the dragon, and that the dragon precedes the three beasts of Revelation Chapter 13 JOG.185 in Revelation Chapter 12 ???

2. Do we all know the dragon to be salacious satan ????

3. Who is the beast ???

4. Could the beast be the United Nations ???

5. Who is the false prophet ???

6. Could the false prophet be the Secretary General of the United Nations ???

7. And the UN Security Council picks the Secretary General !!!

8. Is it not argued by the UN today that all three religions, judaism-christianity-islam, worship the same god and pushes for joint worship for peace ???

9. So the UN today promotes peace, joint, worship, and joint prayer of these three foul spirits of salacious satan ???

10. Why are these three foul spirits like frogs ???

11. The second plague on Egypt was Frogs Exodus 7.25 – 8.11 mpt.

12. Diseases of frogs and toads: google it !!!!

13. And do the religions of judaism-christianity-islam bring plagues of death and suffering to those who are not like them today ???