
“And they all shall be taught by GOD” my study of the WORD related to this.


starting at JOG.91.

1Esdr.9 olrsv
[55] because they were inspired by the words which they had been taught. And they came together.

“because they were inspired by the words which they had been taught”

Whose words ??

See JOG.125.


1. Brainwashed:

[ˈbrānˌwôSH, ˈbrānˌwäSH]
brainwashed (past tense) · brainwashed (past participle)
1. make (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure:
2. “the organization could brainwash young people” ·
3. “they have been brainwashed into conformity and subservience”
4. synonyms:  indoctrinate · condition ·  reeducate · persuade · influence · propagandize · inculcate

Hebrew: שטיפת מוח

Aribic: غسل أدمغة

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