

JOG.3681 ~~~~ JOG.????


OLD WORD BCE ~~~~ tanakh blue jewish publication society © 1985

NEW WORD CE ~~~~ revised standard version bible zondervan etal © 1946 etal { EXCLUDING THE TEACHINGS OF SPAUL { SUALXPAUL ~~~~~~ SPITTLE ~~~~~~ SPRITZING ~~~~~~ A NEW CREATIONX MARK 13.6 

WITH TWis Italics { THE WORD in spirit ~~~~ a _BIGWOR_ work in progress } INTERPRETATIONS X JOHN 4.23 & 4.24

REFRESH your mind TO CONTINUE !X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!] !!!! [!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!

TOG 8 X TOG 16 X TOG 17

rsv bible — browse ( X read rsv Free Online ( X (various versions with footnotes ~ niv voice) (a companion work)

A&Q ][ Q&A:

    1. ~~~~ JACOB’S ~~~~ {ISRAEL FOOTNOTE {a}} ~~~~
    2. ~~~~ ROMEO shechem & JULIET dinah ~~~~ XXX ~~~~
    3. ~~~~~~~~ PROLOGUE ~~~~~~~~
    4. ~~~~ THEY DIDN’T HEAR ~~~~ ~~~~~~ SHECHEM ~~~~~~ RAPED TOOK BY FORCE ~~~~~~ ~~~~
    5. ~~~~ THEY HADN’T HEARD YET ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ SHECHEM ~~~~ SECURE ME DINAH AS A WIFE ~~~~ ~~~~
    6. ~~~~~~~~ Many wars have begun because cultures have different practices and different standards as to what is acceptable. Even language & the meaning of words come to play a critical part in cultural exchanges !!!!  GENESIS 11.1-9.  Will the world ever come together again or is scientism destined to become the last god of man ????  Is scientism not filled with DARKNESS today ????  A new theory reveals UNDERSTANDING IS-REAL-LIGHT !!!!  PEAZ see _BIGWOR_ ~ menu ~ FREE STUFF ~ TON 1 NATURE’S MEND FOR THE UNIVERSE ~ ETAL !!!! ~~~~~~~~