
Verses of personal significance starting @ JOG.459

A relaxing grab of verses that i’ve built my life around !!!!X!!!!!!!

Proverbs 4.20 ~ 27.

A&Q ][ Q&A:

1. These verses are from my jps blue tanakh 1985.

2. Why ~ the religions of men have changed the words, & altered the meaning, of ANCIENT OF DAYS !!!!!!

3. jps blue tanakh: 4.21 “…; Keep them in your mind.”

4. revised standard version 1952 ” …; keep them within your heart.”

5. Can one think with their heart to understand WISDOM ????

6. Can one have compassion of the mind for an enemy and protect yourself ???? Exodus Chapter 23.

7. Where do you STIRVE with Proverbs 4.23 ????