
Study of LIGHT began at JOG.275.

The LIGHT of ISAIAH begins with this JOG.

“O House of Jacob! Come, let us walk by the LIGHT OF THE LORD !!!!!!!” Isaiah 2.5. mpt

A&Q ][ Q&A:

1. When one reads or more so is preached or lectured a verse how does one understand it without the context of reality and time ????

2. Reality is that there were 13 Tribes of ISRAEL at the time of Moses.

3. The Tribe of Joseph, the 11TH son of Jacob, was assigned a Tribe for each of Joseph’s two sons, thus 12 – 1 + 2 = 13.

4. The 13TH Tribe was the Tribe of Levi, which were to be servants of ISRAEL, THE PROCESS OF STRIVING WITH GOD, for all the children of GOD, without title to a portion of the Promised Land.

5. At the time of Isaiah, 700 – 600 BCE, the 10 Tribes plus the part Tribe of Levi associated with them had seperated from Judah and Benjamin and the part Tribe of Levi associated with them some 250 years prior to Isaiah.

6. Yet, Isaiah speeks to all of them, “O House of Jacob” for Jacob was the patriarch of ISRAEL !!!!!!!  GOD tests Nicodemus this same way in The Gospel of John 3.10 “Are you a teacher of ISRAEL, and yet you don not understand this?”

7. It is also critical to understand that ISRAEL was to be a BECON<>LIGHT for all mankind to come to GOD !!!!!!!

8. Which makes it critical to understand that any one of any nation that sought GOD was to be welcomed and considered NATIVE TO GOD and become part of one of the Tribes of ISRAEL.

9. At the time of Isaiah all the Tribes of ISRAEL had fallen away from GOD and were seeking gods of their own making or the gods of foreigners !!!!!!

10. Thus the world was without THE LIGHT OF THE LORD !!!!!!

11. Thus the chastizement of Isaiah to all the Tribes of ISRAEL, and to the world for walking in the darkness of men’s religions !!!!

12. It had become so bad that all of 13 Tribes would suffer greatly !!!!

13. So bad that the 10 and a half tribes that separated are now considered completely lost, extinct !!!!

14. Never again would the Tribes be allowed to serve ISRAEL !!!!!!! II Chronicles 36.16 mpt.

15. Even today, maybe more so, Isaiah 2.5 applies to Israel the nation and the world !!!!

16. Therefore, let us walk by THE LIGHT OF THE LORD without the darkness of men’s religions !!!!!!!

17. The only solution back to GOD was for GOD TO COME & WALK among all of HIS children of the world AS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD TO RETURN HIS PROCESS OF ISRAEL to each and every one of the world !!!!!!! Isaiah 7.14 with footnote “g” mpt & Isaiah 9.5 mpt and The Gospel of John 10.30.

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