
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Three prongs one for each religion to stab you, take what they want, and leave their mark on you !!!

“Eli’s sons (2 sons) were evil scoundrels; they paid no heed to the LORD. This is how the priests used to deal with the people: When anyone brought a sacrifice, the priest’s boy would come along with a three-pronged fork while the meat was boiling, and he would thrust it into the cauldron, or the kettle, or the great pop, or the small cooking-pot; and whatever the fork brought up, the priest would take away on it for himself. This was the practice at Shiloh with all the Israelites who came there.” I Samuel 2.12-13-14.


1. “evil scoundrels”: 2 sons Allegorically for two periods of evil religions of men, for all religions of men are always evil.

2. The two Time periods BCE ] IMMANUEL [ ICE !!!!!!_!!!!!!!_!!!!!! BCE: Before Current Era. ICE: In Current Era.

3. Three-pronged fork, allegorically the instrument of salacious satan, with a point for each of his salacious servants. Appendix “c” pages 515-522 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!!

4. Evil consumption produces greed and more evil, I Samuel 2.15-17.

5. Look at these three religions, judaism-christianity-islam, that claim to own THE WAY OF GOD today, do they not stab the children of GOD for their mammon sacrifice ???

6. And do they not take many times more for themselves than what they share with the poor and needy ???

7. Stop giving your money to evil and give it directly to your neighbor in need: much more GOOD will be done !!!!!!!