
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Let GOD lead you in your daily living !!!!!!!_!_!!!!!!!

This verse connects directly with JOG.233.

“And Gideon came to the Jordan and passed over, he and the three hundred men who were with him, faint yet pursuing.” Judges 8.4.


1. Please read Judges Chapter 8.1-28.

2. Five evils and one that whines because they were not asked to help.

3. Who do you ask for help ???

4. Deuteronomy 30.11-14 !!!!!!!

5. Exodus 23.4-5.

6. Deuteronomy 30.15-20 !!!!!!!

7. I, myself, choose to STRIVE with GOD one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT !_!!!!!!! 7/mnaaoll

8. Allegorically, is salacious satan, a son of god, not the one that whines ?

9. The first two evils are allegorically the beast & the false prophet !!

10. The next three evils are allegorically the three foul spirits !!!

11. Five + one makes 6 !!!!!!

12. Do you know the CodePlay for these 6 ??????

13. Do you know the CODEPLAY OF GOD ALPHA-OMEGA ???????

14. Is the first of the six not the father of the five and is salacious satan ?

15. Is the beast not the United Nations of religions of men ?

16. Is the false prophet not the secretary general of the UN who propagates for the beast ?

17. Is the last son of salacious satan not islam ?

18. Is the second son of salacious satan not christianity ?

19. Is the first son of salacious satan not judaism ?

20. And salacious satan has many other sons in the world, but not like these three.

21. And two of these three son’s have propped up the beast and the false prophet !!!_!!

22. And the beast props up the false prophet !_!

23. And the beast and false prophet spew the unity in trinity ] [ trinity in unity of these three son’s of salacious satan !!_!!! Revelation 16.12-16.

24. And GOD will call these five to account for their deeds !!!!!!!_!!!!!

25. First the three son’s of salacious satan: Revelation 16.17-21 & !!!

26. Then those in GOD who have passed before will be CALLED HOME by GOD, by IMMANUEL and GOD will be in their midst again !!!!_!!!!!!!_!!!!!!! Revelation 19.1-10.

27. And then the beast and false prophet will be called to account !! Revelation 19.11-21.

28. Will you stand with GOD or these 5 & their father salacious satan ??_??????

29. GOD will lock away evil !!!!!!!_! Revelation 20.1-3.

30. GOD will give you one last chance to decide !!!!!!!_!!!! Revelation 20.4-6.

31. Then the end will come !!!!!!! Revelation 20.7-10.

32. Then you will be CALLED BY GOD one by one for a one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT encounter with GOD !_!!!!!!!

33. And GOD WILL LOOK INTO HIS RECORD BOOK FOR LIFE TO SEE where your loyalty resided while you lived !_! Revelation 20.11-14.

34. “and if one’s name is not found in THE BOOK OF LIFE, he will be thrown into the lake of fire !!!!” Revelation 20.15.

35. Will you let GOD lead you today without the religions of men and salacious satan ???????_??????