
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

One person’s word is not GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOD !!!!!!!

“On the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses he that is to die shall be put to death; a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.” Deuteronomy 17.6.


1. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18.20.

2. “IMMANUEL”: GOD in there midst. Isaiah 7.14.

3. Some CodePlay on Isaiah 7.14: 1) 7 = THE ONE GOD’S NUMBER; 2) 14 = 7 + 7; 3) 7 + 7 allegorically fits once in Ancient Of Days, BCE, and once at a new beginning in the Days when GOD stood in their midst to return them to HIM; and 4) if the three religions that claim to own THE WAY TO GOD, really had GOD their number would be 777, and not 666.

4. The ONE SIN AGINST THE SPIRIT OF GOD, Matthew 12.32, is THE SIN OF PARTICIPATION with religions, judaism-christianity-islam et al, and their father salacious satan: Appendix “d” pages 523 – 526 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!!

5. Thus allegorically the 3 evil religions, judaism-christianity-islam, each have a number 6 and you have 666 and alignment with Revelation Chapter 13. Appendix “c” pages 515-522 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!!

6. Can you now see that the three religions, judaism-christianity-islam, witness against THE WAY TO GOD: will you continue to participate with one of these 6s of 666 ??????

7. Or will you now seek to STRIVE with GOD one on ONE face to FACE soul to SOUL spirit to SPIRIT from Beginning to End in the 7 SPRITIS OF GOD ???????