
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

Forbidden Foul Fruits _ Fruits to GOD _ Fruits for one’s self !!!_!!!!!!!_!

“When you enter the land and plant any tree for food, you shall regard its fruit as forbidden. Three years it shall be forbidden for you, not to be eaten.” Leviticus 19.23.

To fully grasp this verse and the Contemplation we must also look at the next two verses:

“In the fourth year all its fruit shall be set aside for jubilation before the LORD;” Leviticus 19.24.

“and only in the fifth year may you use its fruit—-that its yield to you may be increased:

I THE LORD AM your GOD !” Leviticus 19.25 With this last part connecting all three verses.


1. Allegorically, “Three years” is three religions, judaism-christianity-islam, that will exist and claim to own GOD !!!

2. No one, human or satan, or anything religion or graven image, can be before-between-beside you and GOD in accord with GOD’S FIRST LAW !!!!!!!

3. It is a sin to participate with them and their father salacious satan: Appendix “d” pages 523 – 526 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!

4. These religions are “forbidden” by GOD !!!!!!! Appendix “c” pages 515-522 in “of GOD ?” a free download called TOG 1 of GOD 20Feb2016 in FREE STUFF !!!

5. Allegorically, “the fourth year” is that each of us needs to reject the forbidden before we can go to GOD !_!!!!!!!

6. “the fourth year” is also allegorically a time to come after the three religions and the W>H>A>T of their evil has been revealed, and that will be a TIME OF UNDERSTANDING the W>H>A>T OF GOD. Revelation 20.4-6.

7. “the fifth year” is allegorically a time of BOUNTY & SALVATION if each of us STRIVES with GOD FIRST in our lives without hindrance !!!!!!! Revelation 21.22-23.