
my shared study of the WORD related to
groups of three
starting with JOG.185.

The next verse connects directly with JOG.197.

“they did not see one another, nor did any rise from his place for three days; but all the people of Israel had light where they dwelt.” Exodus 10.23.


1. “but all the people of ISRAEL had LIGHT” !!!!!!!

2. In 10.22 all that did not ISRAEL, STRIVE WITH GOD, were in darkness !!!!!

3. Connect “2” with the Gospel of John 3.20.

4. Connect “1” with the Gospel of John 3.21.

5. Its worth studying the WORD OF GOD and the words of religions over and over !!!!!!! Take a look at TOG 2 John 3_16 does not stand alone in FREE STUFF. With emphasis on John 3.21.

6. Connect with the Gospel of John 8.12. & 9.5

7. Connect with Revelation 4.6, 5.6, 21.23, & 21.24.

8. Can you find the other connections to the LIGHT OF GOD from the beginning to the end of THE WORD OF GOD ????