iencourageyouto gettogether with3or4friends, download theFREE STUFF, review it, discuss it, thenstudy it &discuss itsome more !!!!X!!!! This is whatibelieveGODdefines asCHURCH !!!!
Ifyouare interested inmeetingwithmeand having CHURCH dropme an email see CONTACT
Otherwiseiwill: MEET UP: at West Acres Mall, Fargo, North Dakota, USA. ENTER: Main Entrance on the North at the Food Court. LOCATION: First Table past the fire place as you enter. DAY: Second Thursday of the Month. TIME: 7:00-9:00 PM (All Times Central USA Time). DRINKS, FOOD: Food Court has a variety for purchase!!
ilook forward tovisitingwith oneor afew and sharingourunderstanding OF GOD !!!!!!!