

Starting at JOG.790

If our WORSHIPING is to be SPIRITUAL then can the word be litteral ??? Gospel of John 4.23 & 24 ???? & ???

whosebook(s) of words” is the one to use to STUDY GOD IN SPIRIT ???????

book(s) of words” are the crafting of men to fit their religion !!!!!!

There are many “book(s) of words” written for these six religions of man:

r1. satanism

r2. paganism

r3. judaism

r4. christianism

r5. islamism

r6. scientism

A&Q ][ Q&A:

1. r1 ~ 2 ~ 6:

2. reject THE ONE GOD !!!

3. r3 ~ 4 ~ 5:

4. claim to own THE WAY TO THE ONE GOD !!!

5. so r3 ~ 4 ~ 5 must have THE WORD OF GOD ????

6. But do r3 ~ 4 ~ 5 FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD ????

7. A&Q ][ Q&A: 6. leads me into my JOGing WITH GOD !X!!!!!!!