“O LORD, our LORD, how MAJESTIC is YOUR NAME throughout the earth, (b-)YOU WHO have covered the heavens with YOUR SPLENDER(-b) !!!!!!!” Psalm 8.2 (my paper tanakh) (8.1 in my christian bible with some different words !!!)
(b- -b) Meaning of Hebrew uncertain; or “YOU WHOSE SPLENDER is celebrated all over the heavens !!!!!!!”
Link this verse with Genesis 1.2. “the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and the SPIRIT OF ( a WIND from) GOD SWEEPING over the water” is their any need to be uncertain about GOD COVERING the heavens with HIS SPLENDER ???? Decide for yourself with GOD one on ONE face to FACE !!!! That is what HE is out there for: to HELP each of us ISRAEL, strive with GOD !!!!!!!