
“HE said to man, ‘See!  Fear of the LORD is WISDOM; to shun evil is understanding.”  Job. 28.28. (my paper tanakh)


“You shall have no other gods before, between, beside GOD !!!!!!!”

The understanding:

“And on the day of the LORD’S sacrifice I will punish the officials and the king’s sons, and all who don a foreign vestment, I will also punish on that day everyone who steps over the threshold, who fill their master’s palace with lawlessness and fraud.”  Zephaniah 1.9-10.

  1. foreign vestments – garments of religion !!!
  2. the threshold – enter into houses of religion  !!!  See JOG.10
  3. lawlessness and fraud – religions violate GOD’S FIRST LAW and then claim they own the access to GOD !!!

Shun religions and their religious gods and return to GOD for HIS WISDOM, and GOD will lead you to understanding !!!!

Good Morning !!!!  Welcome to BIGWOR: Believing in GOD WithOut Religion !!!!!!!  Here spreading GOD’S WORD about religion and GOD ??  Religious darkness is consuming us today !!!!  May GOD SHINE HIS LIGHT on us about the darkness of men’s religions so each of us can return to GOD one on ONE !!!!  Seek GOD with GOD as a child and U shall find HIM !!!!!!!  Go only with GOD for WHOLLY HOLY ABSOLUTE TRUTH in your search for HIM !!!!