

“The cycle has come around for you, O inhabitants of the land; the time has come; the day is near.  … !!!!”  Ezekiel 7.7 (my paper tanakh)

Also take a look at  Ecclesiastes 1.10-11.

Could the COSMOS Cycle on an Entropy Wave over TIME ????

The details of this can be found in:

TOG 3 SRLS 22Mar2016 Presentation &

TON 1 PPC NATURES MEND The Book by kevin l olson 2014

near the end, which are part of FREE STUFF.

If GOD Cycles the COSMOS allowing ULTIMATE GRACE & MERCY what value are religions of men ?????

Good Evening !!!!  Welcome to BIGWOR: Believing in GOD WithOut Religion !!!!!!!  Here spreading GOD’S WORD about religion and GOD ??  Religious darkness is consuming us today !!!!  May GOD SHINE HIS LIGHT on us about the darkness of men’s religions so each of us can return to GOD one on ONE !!!!  Seek GOD with GOD as a child and U shall find HIM !!!!!!!  Go only with GOD for WHOLLY HOLY ABSOLUTE TRUTH in your search for HIM !!!!