
“Happy is the man who has not followed the counsel of the wicked, or taken the path of sinners, or joined the company of the insolent; rather, the TEACHING of the LORD is his delight, and he studies that TEACHING day and night !!!!”  Psalm 1.1-2 (my paper tanakh)

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the LAW of the LORD, and on HIS LAW he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1.1-2 (my paper RSV)

  1. “counsel of the wicked” – words of religion and their religious leaders
  2. “path / way of sinners” – using religion to reach GOD
  3. “company of the insolent / scoffers” – congregate in temples of religion

Read, Contemplate, Study, Understand the differences in the two versions !!!!

Here is a start: GOD TEACHES us in many ways not just the LAW: IE the naming of ISREAL – it is not a noun – it is a verb – “one who strives with GOD or GOD strives.”  Now look up what it means to strive !!!!  Enjoy the search !!!!

Good Morning !!!!  Welcome to BIGWOR: Believing in GOD WithOut Religion  !!!!!!!  Here spreading GOD’S WORD about religion and GOD ??  Religious darkness is consuming us today !!!!  May GOD SHINE HIS LIGHT on us about the darkness of men’s religions so each of us can return to GOD one on ONE !!!!  Seek GOD with GOD as a child and U shall find HIM !!!!!!!  Go only with GOD for WHOLLY HOLY ABSOLUTE TRUTH in your search for HIM !!!!